How does Driven Worldwide use cookies?
We use different types of cookies for different things, such as:
- Analysing how you use our website
- Improving your purchasing experience
- Giving you a better, more personalised experience
- Recognising who you are when you’ve signed in
How can I change my cookie settings?
Some essential features on our sites just won’t work without cookies. And having other cookies switched off can seriously affect the way you’ll be able to use our services. However, we try to give you control over your cookies below:
Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies let you use all the different parts of Driven Worldwide online. Without them, services that you’ve asked for and come to expect wouldn’t be able to be provided. To ensure we can continue to provide a premium service, we collect data from you to help us understand how people are using Driven Worldwide online, so we can make it better. We sometimes get other companies to analyse how people are using Driven Worldwide online.
“Strictly necessary” cookies can’t be turned off.
Functional Cookies
These help us personalise Driven Worldwide online for you by remembering your preferences and settings.
Functional cookies can be turned on and off.
Performance Cookies
These help us make sure that the website is working properly and fix any errors. And they let us try out different ideas. These cookies generally help to improve the performance of our website.
Performance cookies can be turned on and off.
What happens if third party cookies are disabled in my browser settings?
If third-party cookies are disabled in your browser for whatever reason, some features on our website will not work as well as they could. This is because, like anything you sign in to, your Driven Worldwide account relies on cookies to provide some services like
How does Driven Worldwide use cookies for advertising
Driven Worldwide buys ad space on other websites where we may deliver ads to you. We don’t store any information about your browsing activity on those websites when we do this. Sometimes the companies we pay to our advertise use their own marketing data to target you with advertising campaigns from Driven Worldwide and other companies. So you may see advertising based on things you’ve viewed on other websites and other information they have collected about you. They don’t share this information with us and we have no control over the data they collect.
Find out more…
The global advertising industry has developed a number of consumer and business initiatives. These initiatives include principles for businesses supporting best practice.
European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) Network Advertising Initiative (NAI)