Beneath the client facing apps and portals available for passengers and bookers, there is a complex reservations and supplier management platform that drives the business.
How We Work
At Driven our internal working processes are regularly reviewed and evolve to stay current and best practise. To help meet our clients expectations we use a number of internal tools on a day-to-day basis. These include:
- Our internal reservations system - PalmTree
- Our driver App - Dispatcher
- ChauffeurCall
- Specialist Conference and Event Software
Information and Cyber Security
Security is paramount in every aspect of what we do, from when you step into a car, through to the way we handle and secure your electronic data. We have been successfully audited by many of the top financial instituitions in the world and are trusted by our clients. We perform regular cyber-security reviews including:
- Pen testing
- PCI DSS and Cyber Essentials
- GDPR assessments